토익스피킹 파트5는 영작을 해야한다. 미칠 노릇이다. 한국어도 제대로 못하겠는데 영어를 영작하랜다.
하라면 해야지 어떡하겠나. 다행이도 빈출되는 문제들이 있고, 빈출이 아니더라도 몇몇가지 아이템 틀을 가지고 돌려쓰면서 영작을 하는거 같았다. 그러니까 목적어 와꾸만 맞춰서 쓰면 된다. 그것마저 상황에 맞춰 끼워넣기가 어렵긴 하지만...
오늘은 총 5가지의 아이템을 알아보려 한다.
아이템의 테마는 다음과 같다. 스트레스템, 창의력템, 동기부여템, 효율성템, 케미템
첫 문장은 지문에서 의견을 물어보거나 할때 지문을 인용하며 대답하기
ex) Q : Which is more important for young children : learning arts or learning a foreign language?
A : I think learning arts is important for young children. There are few reasons.
First, It helps them relieve stress and relax. These days, they have a lot of stress from too much work(school work). If they ~~, they can refresh their mind and escape from daily routines.
If so, they can go back to study with positive mind.
First, they can develop creativity. For example, they can express their emotions and ideas ~~
I think creativity is one of the most important factors for students.
동기부여템 -- 첫 문장은 상황에 맞게 영작 해야함
First, (the leaders who have a communication skill) can make comfortable working environment. If so, they will motivate their team-members to work harder. If they work harder, they are more likely to get better outcomes.
Better outcomes will make them well prepared for the project(future). This will increase overall work efficiency.
First, it will increase overall work efficiency. That way, they can work more effectively. This will lead to a higher Productivity at work and increase their work performance.
케미템 -- 첫 문장은 상황에 맞게 영작 해야함
First, (if employees learn how to work in a team), they can build better chemistry with their team members.
Better chemistry brings better teamwork. Better teamwork makes work easier and less time-consuming.
마무리문장에 자기 의견을 다시 한번 어필하며 마무리
Once again, I think learning arts is important for young children.
솔직히 너무 어렵다. 아이템들을 잘 외우고 파트5가 쉽게 나오길 기도하는 수 밖에 없을거 같다.
'공부 > 영어' 카테고리의 다른 글
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